Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Is There A Step By Step Program Available To Detox And Get Healthy Fas?

There are many key elements that make up a healthy body, but for simplicity's sake, let's zero in on our biggest concern ? weight loss. We are so preoccupied with looking good, we overlook what is truly essential - FEELING good. Your body is a miraculous machine that has the ability to work at its optimum potential, if we know how to maintain it properly.

I am embarrassed to say, but until very recently, I held on to the belief that it was your fault if you weren't healthy. As my eyes and heart opened up a to the truth, I became more and more aware how advertising and advertisers tell us every day about their so-called "beneficial and/or healthy" products, when in fact they are anything but that! We live in a world where Pop Tarts and low-fat Hot Pockets are being advertised as a healthy or nutritious choice, and we believe them! We take their word for it! Three documentaries that come to mind as MUST-SEES are, "Fed Up", "Supersize Me", and "GMO OMG!"

Let's shine the light on the most common ideology we fall victim to over and over and over. . .

Common Ideology = Lose Weight And You Will Get Healthy (nope)

REALITY = Get Healthy And You Will Lose Weight,

plus a lot of other mucky-muck. . .but that is a different article ☺

You don't have to take my word for it. Go to the mall or the grocery store and look around. We are not healthy. Why is that? Why do we blindly fall prey to the newest fad diet? Why do we continue to believe that cutting calories is the answer, when the end result is always the same ? we gain it all (the weight) back plus some extra pounds too! Why? Why do we keep doing it? It doesn't work. Period. And here's the why. . .

We plateau during traditional weight loss and fad diets, often experiencing a yo-yo effect (lose weight. . .gain it back. . .lose weight. . .gain it back) because. . .WE DON'T GET RID OF THE TOXINS! Here's a little secret: FAT CELLS SHRINK WHEN TOXINS ARE ELIMINATED!

So what are toxins anyway? Well, toxins are anything that you put IN your body (food, beverages, drugs, etc.) or ON your body (skin care, lotions, hair care, etc.) that your body can't use as energy or "fuel". Since the body does not know what to do with the toxin, it stores it in your body's "white" fat cells. There are two types of fat cells which have distinctive functions. Brown fat cells are specialized heat producers, while white fat cells store and release fats.

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."

You can't detox your body overnight or with a magic pill, but you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly your body responds to a good detox program, which includes a clean eating diet. It takes about 21-28 days to make or break a habit. Detoxing is no different. Detox for the duration it takes to establish your newfound healthiness as a habit. What would be the purpose of detoxing if you quickly went back to all of your old eating habits and harmful addictions? A good detox program will have the ability to teach you the "why" of it all so you have the power and knowledge to make better choices. It will also give you the time your body needs to free itself from harmful addictions, and acclimate to its new state of optimum potential!

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